VISCA at UfM Climate Week 2019
- Published in News
The UfM Climate Week is an occasion to gather a wide range of actors (UfM members’ representatives, civil society, IFIs, scientific experts…) around different topics, all related to climate action in the Mediterranean region. By organising this event, the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean provides a discussion and networking framework aiming to create and enhance synergies among the different climate‑related actors, and to enrich their exchanges.
The Seventh Meeting of the UfM Climate Change Expert Group (UfM CCEG), which was chaired by the UfM Co‑Presidency, Jordan and the European Union, and opened by European Commission DG NEAR Director General Christian Danielsson and the UfM Secretary General Nasser Kamel. Among other issues, this meeting included the presentation of the CLIMA‑MED – EU Climate Action in the Southern Neighbourhood project, and the update on the scientific report Risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region, carried out by the MedECC network (Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change).
A dedicated workshop on the impact of climate change on the agricultural sector, during which the study "An assessment of the impact of Climate Change on the Agricultural sector – foreseen developments and policy measures" was presented. BSC and UT SEMIDE both participated at the session and present VISCA project as an example of innovation projects with the application of climate services in the agriculture sector.