
VISCA 3rd General Meeting & Stakeholders’ Workshop fruitfully concluded

Organised by the project coordinator, METEOSIM,  VISCA project held its 3rd General meeting on 9th-10th December 2019 followed by the Stakeholders Workshop on 11th December 2019 in Barcelona.

During the 3rd general meeting, the partners presented the current status of the project and the achieved milestones during the previous 32 months. They presented the preliminary results of the demonstration of VISCA DSS in the 3 demo sites with the end-users: Codorniu in Spain, Mastroberardino in Italy  and Symington in Portugal as well as the first results from the applied agronomic techniques: crop forcing and shoot trimming. The consortium agreed to focus on continuing the validation of the information provided by the DSS during the next harvesting season as well as to focus on exploitation, replicability and dissemination activities.


VISCA Newsletter #2: Discover our DSS & Join us at the Stakeholders Workshop in Barcelona!

The second issue of VISCA Newsletter is very special as it presents our Decision Support System which combines climate, phenology and irrigation services with several added values aiming to support viticulturists in climate change adaptation and daily operation. We’ve also launched the registration call to join our next workshop which will take place on 11th December 2019 in Barcelona.

Check it out here and subscribe to receive the next issue of our newsletter!


Join VISCA Stakeholders Workshop 2019 & Register now!

The 3rd VISCA Stakeholders workshop will take place on 11th December 2019 in Barcelona. The event will present VISCA DSS where participants will get a free access to the tool. The event will host interesting exchanges and roundtables with the VISCA partners, Advisory Board members and external guests about the status-quo of climate services in the agriculture sector and the replicability opportunities in other vineyards as well as in olives and cereals. Check the agenda [link] and REGISTER to join us [link] either in Barcelona or online latest by December 5th at noon!

We look forward to welcoming you in our workshop, don’t hesitate to transfer this call for registration or send us any inquiries you may have to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Presenting VISCA DSS to Vineyard Growers

On November 12th 2019, our partners made a presentation about VISCA DSS where practical information from the project was shared with vineyards growers of Raimat and Agropixel. Interesting exchanges were made with the participants and the feedback was gathered as inputs for exploitation activities.

The aim of VISCA DSS is to integrate climate and agricultural models with farmers’ management specifications in order to design short practices, medium- and long-term adaptation strategies to climate change.




Innovation camp "Climate Sprint: Accelerating Climate Solutions"

Event Details:

  • Date: 
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Register

The "Climate Sprint: Accelerating Climate Solutions" is an innovation camp aiming at sharing best practices on how climate services tools are being used to support decision making in different sectors: Energy, Tourism, Agriculture & Insurance. Climate change is leading to greater uncertainty – be it in temperature fluctuations, snowfall or wind speed. Being able to predict such changes in advance would help companies minimise weather-related risks.


VISCA at XI International Workshop on Sap Flow

The XI International Workshop on Sap Flow took place in Hyytiälä, Finland from 8th - 11th October 2019.The workshop addressed topics concerning plant - water relations and their measurement and was centred on plant water transport. VISCA project was presented in the workshop, precisely, on the topic of 'Estimating transpiration coefficients of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) "Tempranillo" subjected to delayed pruning' by IRTA. The poster of the event can be downloaded from here.



2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry

Event Details:

  • Date: 
  • Location: Naples, Italy
  • Register

MetroAgriFor intends to create an active and stimulating forum where academics, researchers and industry experts in the field of measurement and data processing techniques for Agriculture, Forestry and Food can meet and share new advances and research results. Attention is paid, but not limited to, new technologies for agriculture and forestry environment monitoring, food quality monitoring, metrology-assisted production in agriculture, forestry and food industries, sensors and associated signal conditioning for agriculture and forestry, calibration methods for electronic test and measurement for environmental and food applications.


VISCA at "POWER best practices"

VISCA has participated recentely at "POWER best practices" by sharing the project at the dedicated repository which serves as an umbrella providing an overall view to the POWER water communities with in pilot cities. Further information can be found at the POWER BEST PRACTICES website.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.