Promotional Materials

Category: Promotional Materials
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VISCA Roll-up #2 HOT

Created 2019-11-14
Size 3.24 MB
Downloads 1,012
2-Pager: Providing Innovative Solutions to Improve the Efficiency of the Agriculture Sector HOT

Created 2019-08-06
Size 329.86 KB
Downloads 1,766
Final Conference: Exploitation of VISCA DSS and the Way Forward HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 426.34 KB
Downloads 1,053
Final Conference: Applications of Remote Sensing ET mapping for climate change adaptation in Viticulture HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 4.17 MB
Downloads 1,174
Final Conference: Climate Change Impact Mitigation for European Viticulture (Clim4Vitis) HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 1.46 MB
Downloads 900
Final Conference: Implementation of integrated and innovative precision agriculture management strategies to reduce the occurrence of ochratoxins along the vine value chain products: grapes, raisins/currants and wine (OCHRAVINE control) HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 2.93 MB
Downloads 885
Final Conference: Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems (Med-Gold) HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 1.54 MB
Downloads 1,238
Final Conference: MEDCLIV: a network for the Mediterranean vine & wine ecosystem HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 2.04 MB
Downloads 980
Final Conference: Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate forecasting for Energy (S2S4E) HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 3.07 MB
Downloads 1,024
Final Conference: Key Results and Round table with End-users HOT
Created 2020-12-17
Size 2.57 MB
Downloads 1,517

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.