Press releases

Category: Press releases
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IRPINIA news: Agricoltura e cambiamenti climatici, Mastroberardino ospita meeting internazionale (Dec, 2018) HOT
Created 2018-12-18
Size 624.03 KB
Downloads 1,163
European Commission: Climate Change Adaptation (Dec, 2018) HOT
Created 2018-12-18
Size 1.72 MB
Downloads 1,285
VISCA: Comunicato stampa: Mastroberardino ospita il 2° general meeting del progetto VISCA sul tema degli effetti del cambiamento climatico in viticoltura (Dec, 2018) HOT
Created 2018-12-19
Size 739.32 KB
Downloads 1,175
European Commission: Tools to help Europe's wine industry adapt to climate change (February 2019) HOT
Created 2019-02-13
Size 1.16 MB
Downloads 1,481
VVQ: VISCA: supporto in vigna a 360 (Dec, 2019) HOT
Created 2019-12-10
Size 2.08 MB
Downloads 1,808
DW: In Europe, climate change brings new crops, new ideas (June, 2020) HOT
Created 2020-06-29
Size 446.08 KB
Downloads 1,018
Euronews: What will be the new face of European agriculture in the coming years? (March, 2020) HOT
Created 2020-06-29
Size 411.41 KB
Downloads 962
Euronews: Quel visage pour l’agriculture européenne de demain? (March, 2020) HOT
Created 2020-06-29
Size 254.01 KB
Downloads 943
Euronews: Wie wird sich die europäische Landwirtschaft in den nächsten Jahren verändern (March, 2020) HOT
Created 2020-06-29
Size 255.25 KB
Downloads 955
Euronews: Il futuro dell’agricoltura europea (March, 2020) HOT
Created 2020-06-29
Size 249.79 KB
Downloads 940

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.