Scientific publications and deliverables

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VISCA_Deliverable D3.2: Technical Specifications HOT

The main goal of this document is to finalize the overall technical activity of WP3, namely the definition of the system architecture, the specification of the main processes, data formats and data structures, and the list the key technical requirements of the platform.
This document contains the output of both task 3.2 “Technical requirement and architectural design” and of task 3.3 “Data integration and processing”. While T3.2 was smoothly executed, T3.3 required a major effort in order to finalize due to the cross definition coming from WP2. Therefore, the submission of this deliverable has been delayed so as to include the finalization of the data structures and of Application Program Interface, which were possible only after the final definitions in WP2.
This deliverable is structured as follows: after the document objectives are stated in Section 1, the general overview of the VISCA system is reported in Section 2. Then, the system architecture that implements such overview is explained in Section 3 together with more details on the key modules. Section 4 and Section 5 include the detailed specification of the data formats and of the key technical requirements, respectively.

Created 2019-08-22
Size 1.64 MB
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VISCA_Deliverable 4.7: First preliminary report between research teams (WP2), DSS developers and end-users on the first experiences of the application of the CS-DSS HOT

After the development of the first version of the VISCA Decision Support System (DSS) application and Web Response, it was presented to the end-users and the rest of VISCA partners in the Second General Meeting in Naples in December 2018, where the first feedback was collected and next steps were defined. DSS will be applied and tested during next season within the established vineyards of the three end-users (winegrowers) in three different regions (Italy, Spain and Portugal). This document summarizes the first feedback collected in the meeting, the suggested improvements proposed by the VISCA partners and the agreed methodology for the DSS evaluation.

Created 2019-08-22
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Forcing vine regrowth in vitis vinifera cv. touriga nacional at Douro region [Meeting Proceedings, 21st GiESCO International] HOT

Context and purpose of the study - Douro Region, characterized by a Mediterranean climate type and schist soils, is subjected to water and heat stresses conditions during summer. In some locations, the temperatures registered during berry maturation, lead to fruit ripen during warmer months, increasing the degradation of organic acids, tannins and phenolics that can negatively affect the quality of wines. Forcing vine regrowth is a new practice, being currently tested in Mediterranean countries, that aims to shift fruit ripening to cooler months of the year by pruning the plants after fruit set - Crop Forcing (CF) - removing all the leaves and bunches and leaving five buds per shoot, in order to reduce the negative effect of high temperatures during berry maturation on its quality.

Created 2019-10-30
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Effect of green crop frocing intervention on casta touriga national (vitis vinifera l.) Efeito da intervenção em verde crop frocing na casta touriga nacional (vitis vinifera l.) [Artcile, 11º Simposio Vitiviniculura Alentejo] HOT

A Região do Douro, carateriza-se por um clima tipicamente mediterrânico, com condições de stress térmico e hídrico a partir da floração, que poderão ter efeitos negativos na viticultura. A maturação ocorre sobretudo em meses muito quentes, provocando desfasamentos da maturação alcoólica e fenólica e um retardamento da vindima com impacto negativo na qualidade. O Crop Forcing (CF) consiste numa segunda poda tardia e surge como uma prática agronómica que visa atrasar a maturação para que esta ocorra em períodos mais frescos. Esta operação é realizada após o vingamento, sendo as varas do ano podadas a cinco olhos.

Em 2018, estudaram-se três modalidades de CF, em videiras regadas com uma dotação de 30% da evapotranspiração: sem CF (Controlo - CTRL), CF15 e CF30, realizados 15 e 30 dias após o vingamento. Em termos de resultados, verificamos que as condições climatéricas de Junho levaram à ocorrência de infeções de míldio na vegetação muito jovem do CF15. Comparando o CF30 com o CTRL, verificou-se um atraso em todos os estados fenológicos, uma redução da área foliar (menos 35%) e um maior número de lançamentos. Quanto ao rendimento registou-se em CF30, em comparação com o CTRL, uma redução do número de cachos (menos 39%), e do rendimento (menos 46%), enquanto em termos qualidade, o pH foi inferior (3,35 em vez de 3,74), a acidez total foi mais elevada (8,82 g/L em vez de 4,16 g/L) e o °Brix menor (17,02 em vez de 23,93).

Created 2019-10-30
Size 128.42 KB
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VISCA_Deliverable 4.8: Second preliminary report between research teams (WP2), DSS developers and end-users on a full year application of the CS-DSS HOT

After a year of DSS application, the first impressions of the tool were collected during the 3rd General Meeting which took place in Barcelona between 9th and 10th December 2019. The present document summarizes the comments of the end-users about DSS usability and the improvements that should be implemented during the next year. Besides, it is resumed some of the decision making that can be made based on the different DSS widgets.

Created 2020-03-04
Size 237.71 KB
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VISCA_Deliverable 2.5: Decadal projection performance report HOT

This deliverable D2.5 “Decadal Projection Performance Report” consists of an analysis of climate projections at the European scale and particularly at the demosites of the project in order to provide critical climate information of the most important variables for vineyard management. Mean climate about precipitation and temperature is analysed, specific agriculture indexes are provided such as Winkler classification and climate extremes affecting the vine growth are studied. This document is intended to provide useful information in order to empower the wine industry to make strategic decision to adapt their businesses to new climate conditions in the coming decades.

Created 2020-03-09
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Post-Harvest Regulated Deficit Irrigation in Chardonnay Did Not Reduce Yield but at Long-Term, It Could Affect Berry Composition HOT

Future increases in temperatures are expected to advance grapevine phenology and shift ripening to warmer months, leaving a longer post-harvest period with warmer temperatures. Accumulation of carbohydrates occurs during post-harvest, and has an influence on vegetative growth and yield in the following growing season. This study addressed the possibility of adopting regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) during post-harvest in Chardonnay. Four irrigation treatments during post-harvest were applied over three consecutive seasons: (i) control (C), with full irrigation; (ii) low regulated deficit irrigation for sparkling base wine production (RDIL SP), from harvest date of sparkling base wine, irrigation when stem water potential (Ψstem) was less than −0.9 MPa; (iii) mild regulated deficit irrigation for sparkling base wine production (RDIM SP), from harvest date of sparkling base wine, irrigation when Ψstem was less than −1.25 MPa; (iv) mild regulated deficit irrigation for wine production (RDIM W), from harvest data of wine, irrigation when Ψstem was less than −1.25 MPa. Root starch concentration in full irrigation was higher than under RDI. Yield parameters did not differ between treatments, but differences in berry composition were detected. Considering that the desirable berry composition attributes of white varieties are high in titratable acidity, it would seem inappropriate to adopt RDI strategy during post-harvest. However, in a scenario of water restriction, it may be considered because there was less impact on yield and berry composition than if RDI had been adopted during pre-harvest.

Created 2020-05-07
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The pitfalls of water potential to schedule irrigation HOT
Created 2020-10-01
Size 1.75 MB
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VISCA_Deliverable 5.4: Report on replicability and associated funding mechanisms HOT

Deliverable 5.4 presents the replicability potential of VISCA Decision Support System and climate services by presenting the axes of assessment based on:

  • the possible replicability options: replicability of the tool on specific grapevines (tempranillo, chardonnay, Aglianico, Touriga Nacional), and on other types of grapevines as well as on other crops (e.g. olives, cereals and rice). These options consider the location of the parcels of potential end-users (farmers) whether they are located in the current demo site countries of VISCA project (Italy, Portugal and Spain) or in other European and non-European countries.
  • the needed adjustments on VISCA DSS and specifically its main components (phenology, irrigation and weather information widgets) to fit the needs of users who grow other types of crops. Moreover, the necessary datasets from clients to run the models in order to make the calibration or adjustment for the replicability are presented.

Furthermore, the document reports on the networking activities with some projects and initiatives related to agriculture and climate services. These activities have been achieved since the beginning of the project to establish synergies as well as to exchange experiences and best practices.  Finally, the deliverable presents some associated funding mechanisms for the purpose of the replicability and exploitation of VISCA.

Created 2020-12-23
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VISCA_Deliverable D4.6: Main Barriers and Solutions found on the DSS application HOT

The objective of the present deliverable is providing a first report on the main constrains encountered after the first year of DSS application. The analysis presented here corresponds to the results based on surveys delivered to the end-users. Such analysis is qualitative, given the small number of end-users involved in the project. On the other hand, a one-to-one interview was maintained between DSS developers and end-users to discuss survey's results. The result of this interview is complementary to the survey and gives context to the analysis performed. Finally, it is worth remembering, that the results presented here should be taken as preliminary, and will be extended in the by the end of the project.

Created 2020-12-23
Size 1.08 MB
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.