
Maha Al-Salehi

Maha Al-Salehi


Event Details:

  • Date: 
  • Location: Avignon, France
  • Register 

Organised by the agricultural professionals via the Regional Chamber of Agriculture in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and a multi-sector committee, the new MED'Agri trade show is entirely dedicated to the production agricultural and the agri-technology.

There will be a lot of showcase of innovative techniques. MED'Agri is aimed at professionals of all the agricultural production sectors and farmers and in particular those represented in the South of the France: market gardening, arboriculture, viticulture, olive growing, breeding and also horticulture, beekeeping, truffle, aromatic and fragrant plants, etc.

VISCA project will be presented at a dedicated stand by SEMIDE!

For more information, check the official website.


1st International Conference on Urban Agriculture and City Sustainability

Event Details:

  • Date: 
  • Location: New Forest, UK
  • Register 

The aim of the Conference is to review and discuss ways in which urban agriculture can contribute to achieving sustainable cities.

As urban populations continue to increase it is essential to consider ways of reducing their impact in terms of use of natural resources, waste production and climate change.

The increasing number of people in cities requires new strategies to supply the necessary food with limited provision of land and decreasing resources. This will become more challenging unless innovative solutions for growing and distributing food in urban environments are considered.

The scale of modern food production has created and exacerbated many vulnerabilities and the feeding of cities is now infinitely more complex. As such the food system cannot be considered secure, ethical or sustainable.

In the last few years, there has been a rapid expansion in initiatives and projects exploring innovative methods and processes for sustainable food production. The majority of these projects are focused on providing alternative models that shift the power back from the global food system to communities and farmers improving social cohesion, health and wellbeing. It is therefore not surprising that more people are looking towards urban farming initiatives as a potential solution.

These initiatives have demonstrated that urban agriculture has the potential to transform our living environment towards ecologically sustainable and healthy cities. Urban agriculture can also contribute to energy, natural resources, land and water savings, ecological diversity and urban management cost reductions.

The impact urban agriculture can have on the shape and form of our cities has never been fully addressed. How cities embed these new approaches and initiatives, as part of new urban developments and a city regeneration strategy is critical.

The Urban Agriculture conference will address these challenges and search for new solutions. For more information, check the official website.


IX International Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2018"

Event Details:

  • Date: 
  • Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Register

AGROSYM is, since nine years, an annual platform for international scientific discussion on agriculture, food, rural development, environment and forestry.

AGROSYM represents a good opportunity to exchange ideas, to strengthen existing and to create new academic networks, and to foster dialogue between the academia, public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations on the recent global and regional trends in the agro-food sector. AGROSYM covers the following thematic areas: plant production, plant protection and food safety, organic agriculture, environment protection and natural resources management, animal husbandry, rural development and agro-economy, and forestry and agroforestry. Multidisciplinary results reported during AGROSYM will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and good practices to all actors of the agro-food chain (e.g. farmers, extension agents, researchers, policy makers) as well as the general public about the importance of agriculture and food science, one of the most important strategic areas of many national research strategies. For more information, check the official website.


VISCA at the EU AgriResearch Conference

On 2nd-3rd May 2018, the EU AgriResearch Conference took place in Brussels targeting scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policy-makers, citizens and NGO representatives who wish to learn about EU agriculture and rural R&I activities and achievements and have their say on how to shape the future of agriculture R&I after 2020. The conference was also a great occasion to network with around 500 peers.

During the conference, different topics about the H2020 program and priorities in the agriculture sector were presented including presentations about EU-funded projects.  The implementation of the strategic approach to EU agricultural R&I and present its first achievements on knowledge produced, linkages established between EU policies or new avenues opened in terms of implementation approaches were discussed.

Few farmers also participated in the event and some discussions on how to better involve them took place concluding that the language and the timing of harvest season should always be taken into consideration.

VISCA project was disseminated during the event by SEMIDE. Exchanges and contacts were gathered in order to make collaborations in the replicability and synergies foreseen in the project.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.