
Maha Al-Salehi

Maha Al-Salehi

New publication: Providing Innovative Solutions to Improve the Efficiency of the Agriculture Sector

Agriculture, including food-related industries and services, is one of the main economic sectors in the EU which provides over 44 million jobs (EC, 2019). The diverse climate, fertile soil, quality standards and technical expertise of the European farmers have made the EU a leading actor in this sector globally.

However, agriculture is currently facing deep economic, technological and regulatory changes where the impacts of climate change and resulting natural disasters exacerbate the challenges. That’s why the EU has been investing in diverse projects and initiatives to foster innovation and improve the efficiency of this sector.

With the support of the Common Dissemination Booster team, a new publication titled: 'Providing Innovative Solutions to Improve the Efficiency of the Agriculture Sector' presents a cluster of 4 innovative EU-funded projects VISCA, WEAM4i, OpIRIS & IRRIMAN. It briefly presents the issues and challenges as well as the results and solutions brought by these projects. You may click here to download the 2-pager.


VISCA Project Holds a Training Session at LINKS Foundation

VISCA project - which has developed a climate service and a Decision Support System to make European wine industry resilient to climate change and to climate variability - organized a training at LINKS Foundation premises, in Torino on 4th-5th July 2019.

The main objective of the training was to show the end-users how to use the developed tool in a practical way as well as how to interpret the model outputs. The training also illustrated the ways to access to climate information while providing vineyard data by the end-users. During the training, VISCA consortium, including the 3 end-users, provided feedback and a list of improvements, they also presented, discussed and signed a protocol in order to deepen the evaluation of the DSS. Finally, different sessions about the commercial exploitation plan and the upcoming communication activities were presented and discussed.

This meeting was very useful for the consortium to share and discuss  the recent achievements and also to coordinate the efforts for facing the last challenges of the project which terminates in April 2020.


VISCA at the 21st GiESCO International Meeting

The 21st GiESCO International Meeting took place on 23-28 June 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece which covered the main fields in viticultural research and innovation focusing on vine ecophysiology, vineyard management, grape and wine quality, and sustainable production. A professional day was also included, with the aim to summon attendees from the private sector and strengthen the exchange of knowledge and information between researchers and end-users. VISCA project was presented by the University of Porto & SYMINGTON during this event where they presented preliminary results of the crop forcing technique which they're applying in a demonstration site in Doruo region. You may download the PowerPoint presentation from here.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730253.